This style presents a fusion of cyberpunk and post-apocalyptic styles, inspired by dystopian worldviews and futuristic technology. The overall color palette is vibrant, using lots of oranges, yellows, and blacks to create a rebellious and tense atmosphere.
Style Analysis
Color: The styles predominantly uses oranges, yellows, and blacks, providing a strong visual impact. This color choice makes the scenes vibrant while conveying a sense of danger and tension.
Lighting: The uses of lighting highlights the contrast between characters and backgrounds, particularly in defining character outlines and equipment details, giving the styles a three-dimensional and modern texture.
Art Technique: Combines the exaggerated expression of comic art with the futuristic tech feel of cyberpunk, especially in the creative design of characters' clothing and accessories, delivering a distinct personal style.
Application Scenarios
Comics and Graphic Novels: With its distinctive style and visual impact, this style can be used in comics or graphic novels, particularly enhancing stories set in dystopian worlds or future wars.